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Control Effect of Different Trichogramma Species on Corn Borer in Fields
中文关键词:  松毛虫赤眼蜂  玉米螟赤眼蜂  螟黄赤眼蜂  玉米螟  防治效果  寄生率
英文关键词:Trichogramma dendrolimi  Trichogramma ostriniae  Trichogramma flavescens  Corn borer  Control effect  Parasitism rate
刘珠珠, 贺亚红, 罗振坚, 张俊侠, 张聪合, 石彩云 (渭南市临渭区农业技术推广中心,陕西 渭南 714000) 
摘要点击次数: 54
全文下载次数: 28
      To clarify the control effects of different Trichogramma species on corn borer and to identify the dominant species suitable for Linwei District, this study aims to provide feasible technical guidance for the biological control of corn borer. In 2023, the Linwei District Plant Protection Station released three widely used species—Trichogramma ostriniae, Trichogramma dendrolimi, and Trichogramma flavescens—twice using drones to control the corn borer. The study investigated the parasitism rates and control effects of three treatments: the solo release of Trichogramma dendrolimi, a 1:1 mixed release of Trichogramma ostriniae and Trichogramma flavescens, and a control group in which no Trichogramma was released. The results indicated that the highest control efficacy was observed with the solo release of Trichogramma dendrolimi, which yielded a control rate of 77.02%. The 1:1 mixed release of Trichogramma ostriniae and Trichogramma flavescens resulted in a control effect of 68.42%, which was lower than the control rate of the solo release of Trichogramma dendrolimi. This experiment provides a basis for using Trichogramma in the control of corn borer in summer corn fields. However, due to the open-field environment, various factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind and rain can significantly affect the outcomes, necessitating further research for large-scale field applications.
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