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Effect of Bioprotective Film on Fruit Quality of 'Ruiyang' Apple
中文关键词:  苹果  生物保护膜  果实品质  商品率
英文关键词:Apple  Bioprotective film  Fruit quality  Commercial rate
张晨蕾,张康宁,孙鲁龙,姚 磊,马永涛,高 华 (西北农林科技大学 园艺学院陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 73
全文下载次数: 40
      This study aimed to investigate the effect of a bioprotective film on the fruit quality of 'Ruiyang' apple. Using the organic protective film "Kangluwei" as an example, three treatments, including biofilm spraying, fruit bagging, and no bagging, were implemented. External parameters, including brightness, glossiness, and russeting, as well as internal parameters such as soluble solids content, vitamin C content, and soluble solid-to-acid ratio, were measured. Additionally, the fruit's commercial rate was analyzed. The results indicated that compared to the bagging treatment, biofilm application increased soluble solids content, soluble solid-to-acid ratio, and vitamin C content by 6.88%, 20.03%, and 3.56%, respectively, while reducing production costs by 54.27%. In terms of external qualities, biofilm application improved surface brightness, coloring index, and glossiness by 3.48%, 14.86%, and 4.24%, respectively, compared to the no-bagging treatment. Furthermore, it significantly reduced the russeting index, fruit spot index, and the incidence of pest and disease damage by 8.74%, 16.44%, and 4.27%, respectively, resulting in a 30.90% increase in the fruit's commercial rate.
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