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Effect of Oligosaccharide on Disease Resistance and Growth Promotion of Konjac
中文关键词:  魔芋  寡聚糖  抗病促生
英文关键词:Konjac  Oligosaccharide  Disease resistance and growth promotion
刘医栋,贺川容,张付昆,封梦凡,张丽琼 (安康学院 现代农业与生物科技学院, 陕西 安康 725000) 
摘要点击次数: 67
全文下载次数: 38
      为探讨寡聚糖对于魔芋软腐病的抗病促生效果,采用寡聚糖浸种以及叶面喷施寡聚糖的方法进行盆栽实验。结果显示单独施用寡聚糖浸种魔芋葡甘聚糖含量提高1.934 mg/g,但魔芋软腐病相对防效为-67.48%;采取叶面喷施寡聚糖虽然魔芋葡甘聚糖含量仅提高0.927 mg/g,但相对防效提高到-15.76%,此外魔芋蛋白质、叶绿素含量均有所提升。因此叶面喷施寡聚糖可提升魔芋的经济产值,但考虑到盆栽试验的局限性,其试验可重复性与机理待进一步试验研究。
      To investigate the effect of oligosaccharide on disease resistance and growth promotion of 'Konjac' soft rot, a pot experiment was conducted using oligosaccharide seed immersion and leaf spraying. The results showed that the content of Konjac glucan increased by 1.934 mg/g with the application of oligosaccharides, but the relative control effect on soft rot was -67.48%. Although the 'Konjac' glucomannan content only improved by 0.927 mg/g with foliar spraying, the relative control effect improved to -15.76%. In addition, the protein and chlorophyll contents of Konjac also increased. The results showed that leaf spraying oligosaccharides enhances the economic value of Konjac; however, considering the limitations of the pot experiment, its repeatability and mechanisms require further investigation.
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