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Effect of Green Manure Intercropping Combined with Organic Fertilizer on Potato Yield
中文关键词:  绿肥  有机肥  减氮  马铃薯  产量
英文关键词:Green manure  Organic fertilizer  Nitrogen reduction  Potatoes  Production
郭爱琴,方玉川,陈占飞,汪 奎,孙利军,王 雯,吕 军,高青青,冯瑞瑞,王小英 (1.榆林市农业科学研究院,陕西 榆林 719503
2.榆林学院,陕西 榆林 719503
3.陕西省马铃薯工程技术研究中心,陕西 榆林 719503) 
摘要点击次数: 82
全文下载次数: 53
      合理的肥料施用方法对马铃薯的生长至关重要。为缓解榆林马铃薯化肥氮施用量多的情况,研究采用绿肥与马铃薯间作并于盛花期还田,配合有机肥氮替代化肥氮,绿肥还田及绿肥还田与有机肥氮替代化肥氮协同作用对马铃薯产量的影响,寻求最佳的马铃薯施肥方案。试验共设置6个处理,分别是CK (不施肥),L1(全量化肥氮),L2(绿肥+20%有机肥氮+80%化肥氮),L3(绿肥+30%有机肥氮+70%化肥氮),L4(绿肥+40%有机肥氮+60%化肥氮),L5(绿肥+全量化肥氮),结果显示:在绿肥间作还田条件下,40%有机肥替代化学氮肥对马铃薯产量有显著促进作用;L5和L4处理下马铃薯氮肥利用率最高,两处理间无显著差异;灰色关联度分析中,L4处理关联度值最高,综合排序中L5和L4处理得分最高。综上,绿肥间作还田可提高马铃薯产量,绿肥间作还田配合40%有机肥氮替代化肥氮是本试验中最优的马铃薯施肥模式。
      The method of optimal fertilizer application plays a critical role in potato growth and yield. To address the excessive application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer in potato cultivation in Yulin, an intercropping system with green manure and potato was implemented. Green manure was returned to the field at full flowering. Meanwhile, organic nitrogen fertilizer was introduced to partially replace chemical nitrogen fertilizer. Six treatments were designed: CK (no fertilizer), L1 (100% chemical nitrogen fertilizer), L2 (green manure + 20% organic nitrogen fertilizer + 80% chemical nitrogen fertilizer), L3 (green manure + 30% organic nitrogen fertilizer + 70% chemical nitrogen fertilizer), L4 (green manure + 40% organic nitrogen fertilizer + 60% chemical nitrogen fertilizer), and L5 (green manure + 100% chemical nitrogen fertilizer). This study investigated the effects of green manure application and its synergistic interaction with organic nitrogen fertilizer on potato yield, aiming to determine the optimal fertilization strategy.The results indicated that 40% organic nitrogen fertilizer as a substitute for chemical nitrogen fertilizer significantly enhanced potato yield under green manure intercropping conditions. Nitrogen use efficiency was highest among L5 and L4 treatments, with no statistically significant difference observed between the two treetments. Grey correlation analysis indicated that L4 had the highest correlation value, moreover, L4 and L5 ranked highest in the comprehensive analysis.In conclusion, green manure intercropping improves potato yield, and combining green manure intercropping with 40% organic nitrogen fertilizer substitution is the optimal fertilization strategy in this experimental context.
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