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Analysis on Development Status,Cause of Spread and Integrated Control Techniques for Clubroot Disease in Rapeseed in Hanzhong Region
中文关键词:  汉中地区  油菜根肿病  蔓延原因  综合防控  发展建议
英文关键词:Hanzhong region  Clubroot disease  Spread causes  Integrated prevention and control  Development recommendations
李少钦,张 山,张耀文 (1.陕西省杂交油菜研究中心,陕西 杨凌 7121002. 陕西省洋县龙亭镇农业综合服务站陕西 洋县 723303) 
摘要点击次数: 92
全文下载次数: 65
      The Hanzhong region is not only an optimal area for rapeseed cultivation but also recognized for its high yields and status as the largest winter rapeseed hybrid seed production zone in China. It is of great significance to stabilizing and advancing rapeseed production in Hanzhong to ensure the edible oil supply in Shaanxi Province and support the development of hybrid rapeseed across the country. Clubroot disease has become one of the most significant diseases affecting rapeseed production in this area, posing a serious threat to yields and profitability. This study analyzes the current status of clubroot disease in Hanzhong, examines its rapid spread, and proposes integrated control techniques tailored to local conditions. Three key recommendations are proposed: promoting the adoption of integrated control measures against clubroot disease, accelerating the breeding of clubroot-resistant rapeseed varieties, and promoting the adoption of newly bred clubroot-resistant varieties. These measures aim to mitigate clubroot disease and ensure the sustainable development of rapeseed production in the region.
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