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Effects of New Types of Urea on Nitrogen Accumulation, Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Potato Production
中文关键词:  马铃薯  腐殖酸尿素  控失尿素  产量  氮肥利用率
英文关键词:Potato  Humic acid urea  Controlled-release urea  Yield  Nitrogen use efficiency
韩向东,刘耀军,樊 晨,苏乐平,刘 晶 (1.延安市土壤肥料工作站陕西 延安 7160002.延安市农业科学研究院陕西 延安 716000) 
摘要点击次数: 61
全文下载次数: 39
      为筛选出适宜陕北地区马铃薯种植使用的新型尿素,共设置无氮对照、普通尿素、聚能网尿素、腐植酸尿素、含锌尿素、控失尿素6个试验处理,研究新型尿素对马铃薯氮素积累量、产量和肥料利用率的影响。结果表明:施用腐植酸尿素、控失尿素和含锌尿素均提高了马铃薯单株薯重和结薯数,产量较普通尿素分别增加了17.63%、8.21%、4.70%;新型尿素均有效提高植株各器官氮含量和植株总吸氮量,腐殖酸尿素效果较佳,经济效益较普通尿素增加5 502.11元/hm2;腐植酸尿素和控失尿素的氮肥利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学效率和氮肥贡献率较普通尿素分别提高0.97%~7.43%、5.48~15.39 kg/kg、5.48~15.39 kg/kg、3.77%~9.47%。因此在陕北地区,腐殖酸尿素和控失尿素在马铃薯种植生产中效果较好,可做推广使用。
      To identify a new type of urea for potato cultivation in northern Shaanxi, a study was conducted using six treatments: no nitrogen (control), normal urea, structured net urea, humic acid urea, zinc urea and controlled-release urea. The effects of these treatments on nitrogen accumulation, yield, and nitrogen use efficiency in potato were evaluated. The results showed that the application of humic acid urea, controlled-release urea and zinc urea increased the weight per plant and the number of tubers, with yield increases of 17.63%, 8.21%, and 4.70%, respectively, compared with normal urea. These new types of urea effectively improved nitrogen content in various plant organs and total nitrogen uptake, with humic acid urea showing superior performance. This treatment led to a statistically significant improvement over normal urea and increased economic returns by 5,502.11 yuan/hm2. Compared to normal urea, humic acid urea and controlled-release urea improved nitrogen use efficiency indexes, including nitrogen utilization rate, nitrogen partial productivity, nitrogen agronomic efficiency, and nitrogen contribution rate, by 0.97~7.43%, 5.48~15.39 kg/kg, and 3.77~9.47%, respectively. This study suggests that humic acid urea and controlled-release urea are highly effective for potato production and merit broader adoption in agriculture.
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