三门峡市月季白轮蚧生活习性及药剂防治技术研究 |
Study on Life Habits and Chemical Control Techniques of Aulacaspis rosarum in Sanmenxia |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 三门峡 月季 白轮蚧 生活史 药剂防治 |
英文关键词:Sanmenxia Rose Aulacaspis rosarum Life history Chemical control. |
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摘要点击次数: 65 |
全文下载次数: 37 |
中文摘要: |
本研究采用系统调查和药剂筛选,对月季介壳虫进行研究,筛选对月季白轮蚧的有效防治药剂及用药时期。三门峡市月季白轮蚧1 a发生2代,以受精雌成虫和2龄若虫在被害月季的基部枝干上越冬,危害高峰期在7~8月。1龄若虫期用40%速扑杀乳油600倍液,相对防治效果为90.50%、1.2%苦·烟乳油 2500倍液,相对防治效果为94.15%;在介壳形成初期用40%速扑杀乳油600倍液,相对防治效果为89.25%、1.2%苦·烟乳油2 500倍液,相对防治效果为90.33%。因此防治月季介壳虫最佳期为1龄若虫期,药剂可选用40%速扑杀乳油、1.2%苦·烟乳油。 |
英文摘要: |
This study focuses on the selection of effective insecticides and the optimal application period for controlling Aulacaspis rosarum. Systematic investigation and insecticide screening were conducted for studying the life cycle and control measures for Aulacaspis rosarum. In Sanmenxia, the second generation of Aulacaspis rosarum occurred annually, with second instar nymphs and fertilized female adults overwintering on the basal branches of affected roses. The peak damage period was from July to August, the results showed that a 600-fold dilution of 40% supracide (methidathion EC) resulted in a control efficacy of 90.50%, while a 2500-fold dilution of 1.2% matrine-nicotin EC achieved 94.15% control during the first instar nymph. During the early stages of shell formation, a 600-fold dilution of 40% supracide (methidathion EC) resulted in an 89.25% control efficacy, and a 2500-fold dilution of 1.2% matrine-nicotin EC provided a relative control efficacy of 90.33%. In conclusion, the optimal control period for Aulacaspis rosarum is during the first instar nymph, and the recommended insecticides are 40% supracide (methidathion EC) and 1.2% matrine-nicotin EC. |
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