To fully exploit the potential for yield increase and income enhancement of improved soybean varieties, this study screened eight new soybean varieties suitable for different planting methods in Hanzhong, specifically sole cropping and intercropping. The introduced new varieties: 'Zhonghuang 13', 'Zhonghuang 37', 'Qihuang 34', 'Shaandou 125', 'Shaanken No. 4', 'Qindou 2018', 'Jindou 228', and 'Baodou No. 6'—were compared with local varieties as controls, and comprehensive evaluations were conducted on yield, growth period, and agronomic traits.The results showed that: Eight new soybean varieties exhibited an average yield increase of 83.4% under sole cropping compared to the control, while intercropping resulted in an average yield reduction of 39.4%; Under different planting methods for the same variety, intercropping consistently yielded lower outputs than sole cropping, with an average reduction of 62%. The yield difference between intercropping and sole cropping was extremely significant. Intercropping extended the growth period compared to sole cropping, increased plant height, pod height, and the number of main stem nodes, but reduced the number of effective pods and grains per plant; The varieties 'Qindou 2018', 'Shaandou 125', and 'Jindou 228' performed particularly well, exhibiting higher grain numbers per plant and 100-grain weights under both sole cropping and intercropping.These varieties exhibite excellent comprehensive traits and are recommended for sole cropping in the region. If local seed sources are limited, they can also serve as alternatives for intercropping. |