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Evaluation of Eight New Soybean Varieties under Different Planting Methods
中文关键词:  大豆品种  筛选评价  种植方式
英文关键词:Soybean varieties  Screening evaluation  Planting methods
赵 芬,何忠军,周子凡,张雅秋,马晓丽,王 彬,问 宏 (1.汉中市农业技术推广与培训中心陕西 汉中 723000
2.宁强县农业技术推广中心陕西 宁强 724400) 
摘要点击次数: 76
全文下载次数: 50
      为了充分发挥良种的增产增收作用,筛选适宜汉中不同种植方式(单作和间作)的大豆新品种,引进中黄13、中黄37、齐黄34、陕豆125、陕垦豆4号、秦豆2018、金豆228和宝豆6号8个新品种,以本地品种为对照,研究不同种植方式对大豆的影响,从产量、生育期、农艺性状等方面进行综合评价。结果表明: 8个大豆新品种单作较对照平均增产83.4%,间作产量较对照平均下降39.4%;同一品种不同种植方式下,各品种间作产量均不同程度低于单作,平均产量下降幅度为62%,8个大豆新品种单作与间作之间产量差异极显著,间作大豆的生育期较单作延长,株高、底荚高度和主茎节数较单作增加,而单株有效荚数和单株粒数比单作大豆明显降低;秦豆2018、陕豆125和金豆228这三个品种单作和间作时都表现为单株粒数和百粒重较高,综合性状较好,可作为当地单作大豆的首选品种,间作时在本地品种种源不足的情况下可作为备选品种。
      To fully exploit the potential for yield increase and income enhancement of improved soybean varieties, this study screened eight new soybean varieties suitable for different planting methods in Hanzhong, specifically sole cropping and intercropping. The introduced new varieties: 'Zhonghuang 13', 'Zhonghuang 37', 'Qihuang 34', 'Shaandou 125', 'Shaanken No. 4', 'Qindou 2018', 'Jindou 228', and 'Baodou No. 6'—were compared with local varieties as controls, and comprehensive evaluations were conducted on yield, growth period, and agronomic traits.The results showed that: Eight new soybean varieties exhibited an average yield increase of 83.4% under sole cropping compared to the control, while intercropping resulted in an average yield reduction of 39.4%; Under different planting methods for the same variety, intercropping consistently yielded lower outputs than sole cropping, with an average reduction of 62%. The yield difference between intercropping and sole cropping was extremely significant. Intercropping extended the growth period compared to sole cropping, increased plant height, pod height, and the number of main stem nodes, but reduced the number of effective pods and grains per plant; The varieties 'Qindou 2018', 'Shaandou 125', and 'Jindou 228' performed particularly well, exhibiting higher grain numbers per plant and 100-grain weights under both sole cropping and intercropping.These varieties exhibite excellent comprehensive traits and are recommended for sole cropping in the region. If local seed sources are limited, they can also serve as alternatives for intercropping.
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