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Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Methods on Summer Maize Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency
中文关键词:  玉米  优化施肥  产量  氮肥利用率
英文关键词:Maize  Optimized fertilization  Yield  Nitrogen use efficiency
崔爱民,张 松,张久刚 (山西农业大学 小麦研究所,山西 临汾 041000) 
摘要点击次数: 77
全文下载次数: 45
      通过两年田间试验,以不施氮处理为对照(CK),探索农民传统施肥(T1)和优化施肥(T2、T3)对夏玉米产量及氮素利用率的影响。结果表明,优化施肥T2和T3处理较传统施肥分别增产8.5 %和12.1 %,氮肥利用率分别提高58.8 %、64.7 %,差异显著。两种优化施肥方式间产量差异不显著。夏玉米积温受限,生长前期光热资源充足,发育快,后期低温寡照阴雨多,发育慢,其生产管理应“以促为主”、“一促到底”,加强前期水肥供应,早发育、早壮苗,形成高产群体。建议一般田地推荐使用T2施肥方案,对于超高产田地推荐使用T3施肥方案。
      A two-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of traditional fertilization (T1) and optimized fertilization (T2, T3) on summer maize yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). A no-nitrogen application treatment (CK) was used as the control. The results showed that optimized fertilization (T2, T3) increased yield by 8.5% and 12.1% and enhanced nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency by 58.8% and 64.7%, respectively, when compared to traditional fertilization. However, no significant differences in yield were observed between the the T2 and T3 fertilization methods. Summer maize growth was constrained by limited accumulated temperature during the growing season. However, sufficient light and heat resources were available in the early growth stage, leading to rapid development. Conversely, the later growth stage was characterized by low temperatures, reduced sunlight, and frequent rainfall, resulting in slower development. Therefore, production management should prioritize early growth by enhancing water and nutrient supply to ensure robust seedlings and a high-yield population. The T2 fertilization scheme is recommended for general farmland, while T3 fertilization scheme is more suitable for achieving ultra-high-yield fields.
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