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Key Techniques for Propagating Strawberry Stolons in Plug Trays
中文关键词:  草莓  穴盘扦插  育苗  取材类型  基质配比  营养液配方
英文关键词:Strawberry  Plug tray propagation  Seedling cultivation  Stolon seedling type  Substrate composition  Nutrient solution formulation
刘志泰,李祝飞,张文杰,刘小花,李 岩,胡展森,朱立保 (1.承德市农林科学院河北 承德 0670002.河北农业大学 园艺学院河北 保定 071001) 
摘要点击次数: 74
全文下载次数: 38
      以‘红颜’草莓为试材,采用穴盘扦插育苗的方法,研究匍匐茎子苗取材类型、基质配比、不同营养液配方对匍匐茎子苗穴盘扦插成活及生长的影响,为草莓匍匐茎穴盘扦插育苗提供技术参考。结果表明:有少量初生根的‘红颜’草莓匍匐茎幼苗最适宜穴盘扦插,成活率高、长势好,其次是基部有凸起的匍匐茎幼苗;对‘红颜’草莓匍匐茎穴盘扦插进行不同基质配比处理,纯草炭处理成活率最低为52.7%,显著低于其它5种基质处理,在扦插后48 d、55 d,纯草炭处理的叶片数显著少于其它处理,其它各处理间差异不显著。从叶面积上看,在扦插后34~55 d,草炭:蛭石 1∶1处理显著大于纯草炭,在扦插后55 d,草炭:蛭石 1∶1的处理与其他处理差异不显著,但显著大于纯草炭处理,表明除纯草炭外,其他5种基质处理均适宜作为‘红颜’草莓匍匐茎穴盘育苗的扦插基质;‘红颜’草莓匍匐幼苗扦插两周后,喷施园试通用配方或山崎草莓配方或霍格兰通用配方营养液均可显著促进幼苗生长,在扦插后20~55 d,其株高、叶片数量、叶面积均显著高于对照,3个营养液配方处理间差异不显著。综上所述,采取有少量初生根或基部有凸起的匍匐茎幼苗,扦插在草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩混合的基质中,缓苗后喷施特定配方营养液可促进幼苗健康生长。
      Using ‘Benihoppe’ strawberry as the test material, this study explored the effects of different types of stolon seedlings, substrate compositions, and nutrient solution formulations on the survival and growth of stolon seedlings in plug trays. The aim was to provide technical recommendations for plug tray propagation of strawberry stolon seedlings. The results showed that stolon seedlings with few initial roots were most suitable for plug tray propagation, achieving high survival rates and robust growth, followed by seedlings with a convex base. When comparing different substrate compositions, pure peat resulted in the lowest survival rate (52.7%), significantly lower than the other five substrate treatments. Between 34 and 55 days after cutting, leaf area in the peat-to-vermiculite 1∶1 mixture was significantly larger than in the pure peat treatment. At 55 days, no significant differences in leaf area were observed among other substrate mixtures, all of which significantly outperformed pure peat. Substrates containing peat, vermiculite, and perlite, excluding pure peat, were suitable for plug tray propagation of ‘Benihoppe’ stolon seedlings. Two weeks after cutting, spraying with the garden trial universal formula, Yamazaki strawberry formula, or Hoagland universal formula nutrient solution significantly promoted the growth of stolon seedlings. Between 20 and 55 days after cutting, plant height, leaf number, and leaf area in these treatments were significantly higher than those in the control, with no significant differences among the three nutrient formulations. In conclusion, stolon seedlings with initial roots or a convex base, propagated in a substrate mixture of peat, vermiculite, and perlite, and sprayed with specific nutrient solutions after establishment, can effectively enhance the survival and growth of strawberry seedlings.
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