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High-Yield Cultivation Parameters of New Sweet Pepper Variety ‘Chiyan 30’ Based on Orthogonal Experiment
中文关键词:  正交试验  赤研30号  高产栽培
英文关键词:Orthogonal experiment  Chiyan 30  High yield cultivation
董 喆, 李 杰, 孟令强, 周艳芳, 曲宝茹, 王秀芝, 崔聪聪, 唐 雨, 边丽梅, 张晓梅 (赤峰市农牧科学研究所内蒙古 赤峰 024031) 
摘要点击次数: 93
全文下载次数: 89
      选取苗龄、密度、追肥量3个影响产量的主要因素设计正交试验,通过株高、茎粗、植株鲜重、果实横纵茎、坐果数、单果重和产量等指标来考察不同组合的生长发育情况,以期筛选出甜椒新品种赤研30号的最优栽培参数。结果表明:以处理7(A2B3C4)的产量最高,为94 714.5 kg/hm2;从极差值来看,3个因素对产量的影响表现为密度>追肥量>苗龄;从k值来看,最优组合为A3B3C3,即密度为4.80万株/hm2,苗龄为58 d,追肥量为180 kg/hm2
      Three main factors affecting yield, namely seedling age, density, and topdressing amount, were selected to design an orthogonal experiment. The growth and development status, as well as yield characteristics of different combinations, were examined through indicators such as plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight of plants, fruit height and width, number of fruit sets, single fruit weight, and yield, in order to identify the optimal cultivation parameters for the new sweet pepper variety 'Chiyan 30'. The results showed that treatment 7 (A2B3C4) had the highest yield of 94,714.5 kg/hm2; based on the range of values, the impact of three factors on yield was found to be: density > topdressing amount > seedling age. From the perspective of the k value, the optimal combination was A3B3C3, with a density of 48,000 plants/hm2, a seedling age of 58 days, and a topdressing amount of 180 kg/hm2.
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