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Effect of Homemade Chicken Manure Organic Fertilizer and Its Package Feeding Technology on Peach Yield and Quality
中文关键词:  鸡粪有机肥  土壤容重  土壤养分  经济效益
英文关键词:Chicken manure organic fertilizer  Soil bulk density  Soil nutrients  Economic benefits
许佳琳,陈江生,张 海,李世清 (1. 西北农林科技大学 资源环境学院陕西 杨凌 7121002. 西北农林科技大学 黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室陕西 杨陵 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 139
全文下载次数: 113
      This study used a ten-year-old peach orchard as experimental material to investigate the effect of homemade chicken manure organic fertilizer (Treatment III) and its package feeding technology on peach yield and quality, with chemical fertilizer application as a control. General farmyard manure (Treatment I) and commercially available finished organic fertilizer (Treatment II) were used as comparisons. The results showed that under consistent supply of N, P, and K, homemade fermented chicken manure significantly improved soil structure in the peach orchard, enhanced the quality and yield of fresh peaches. The yield increased by 8.98%, 4.03% compared to CK(control),Treatmeat I, and the benefit increased by 36.27% , 30.72% and 21.51% compared with CK, Treatment I and Treatment III, respectively. The peaches from Treatment II and Treatment III had larger fruits with smooth skin, good coloration, high sugar content, and excellent commercial quality, demonstrating that homemade fermented chicken manure had comparable effectiveness to commercially available finished organic fertilizer but at significantly reduced costs.
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