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Analysis of Species Diversity Characteristics of Plant Communities in Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
中文关键词:  黄土高原  植物  物种多样性
英文关键词:Loess Plateau  Plants  Species diversity
董育公 (杨凌职业技术学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 168
全文下载次数: 229
      By conducting community surveys of representative plant communities including trees, shrubs, and herbaceous species in the northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau, the plant diversity during community succession processes was explored, aiming to provide guidance for vegetation restoration in this region. The results indicated that the richness of endemic vegetation species and the diversity information index of plants were relatively low, while the community evenness index was relatively high, reflecting the fragile ecological conditions of arid to semi-arid environments that had not yet developed into mature climax communities. It is recommended to intensify efforts in plant diversity conservation to promote healthy ecological development in the Loess Plateau region.
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