小麦新品种宛麦206及新型核不育系在育种实践中的利用 |
New Wheat Variety ‘Wanmai 206’ and Application of New Types of Nuclear Sterile Lines in Breeding Practice |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 小麦 宛麦206 特征特性 栽培技术 不育系 |
英文关键词:Triticum aestivum L. Wanmai 206 Characteristics Cultivation techniques Sterile line |
基金项目:旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室开放课题(CSBAAKF2021003);西北农林科技大学南阳小麦试验示范站建设项目。 |
摘要点击次数: 303 |
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中文摘要: |
针对河南南部独特的气候特性,满足以南阳邓州、唐河、新野地区为代表河南南部长江中下游麦区对高产多抗小麦新品种的需求,南阳市科学院以矮秆、大粒且综合抗性好的自育核不系改良材料宛120261为母本,以高产广适抗赤霉病的天民198为父本进行杂交,采用系谱法选育出高产多抗早熟小麦新品种宛麦206,于2023年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(豫审麦20230021)。宛麦206中感条锈病、白粉病和纹枯病,高感叶锈病和赤霉病;籽粒角质大粒,商品性好。着重介绍宛麦206主要特征特性、产量、品质、栽培技术及新型核不育系在育种中的利用。 |
英文摘要: |
Focusing on the unique climate characteristics of southern Henan, particularly in Dengzhou, Tanghe, and Xinye areas of Nanyang, a new early-maturity wheat variety, 'Wanmai 206', was developed to meet the demand for high-yielding wheat varieties resistant to multiple diseases. This variety was bred using the pedigree method at the Nanyang Academy of Sciences. The maternal parent, Wan120261, was improved to possess dwarfism, large grain size, and overall strong disease resistance. The male parent, 'Tianmin 198', exhibited high yield, wide adaptability, and resistance to scab.In 2023, ‘Wanmai 206’ was approved by the Henan Provincial Crop Variety Certification Committee (Yushenmai 20230021). Although 'Wanmai 206' is susceptible to stripe rust, powdery mildew, and stripe wilt, it exhibits high susceptibility to leaf rust and scab. ‘Wanmai 206’ has large cutiform grains and good commercial properties. The main characteristics, yield, quality, cultivation techniques, and the application of the new sterile line of ‘Wanmai 206’ were introduced during breeding. |
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