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Effects of Different Sowing Dates on Wheat Yield Traits in Eastern Henan
中文关键词:  小麦产量  播期  尚农6
英文关键词:Wheat yield  Sowing date  Shangnong 6
韩同进,郭 灿,张修引,连少英,刘红杰,任德超,倪永静,牛吉山,史国礼 (1.商丘市农林科学院河南 商丘 4760002.河南省小麦春季冻害鉴定工程技术研究中心河南 商丘 4760003.河南农业大学河南 郑州 450000) 
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      为进一步明确小麦产量及其相关性状与播期的关系,选育适播期广的小麦新品种,为豫东地区小麦生产提供保障。研究选择了6个小麦品种,分别在2020~2021年和2021~2022年在商丘市农林科学院双八基地进行了为期两年的播期对小麦产量及其产量性状影响的试验。研究发现播期和品种对小麦产量具有显著影响。播期对株高、最高群体、667 m2穗数、成穗率和千粒重也有显著影响;千粒重和产量均在T2播期(10月15日)达到最高,且显著高于其它播期。6个参试品种中,尚农6在不同播期下其株高、667 m2穗数、千粒重成穗率和产量均表现最好。
      To elucidate the relationship between wheat yield and sowing date, new wheat varieties with broad suitable sowing dates were selected to ensure wheat production in the eastern region of Henan. Six wheat varieties were selected and a two-year experiment was conducted from 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022 at the Shuangba Base of Shangqiu Academy of Agriculture and Forestry,assessing the effects of sowing dates on wheat yield and yield traits.The results indicated that sowing date and different varieties had a significant effect on wheat yield. The sowing dates also had a significant effect on plant height, highest population, number of ears per 667m2, percentage of mature ears, and 1 000-grain weight; 1 000-grain weight and yield reached their highest at T2 sowing date (October 15th), and were significantly higher than other sowing dates. Among the six varieties tested, ‘Shangnong 6’ has the highest plant height, ear number per 667 m2, 1 000-grain heavy ear rate and yield under different sowing periods.
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