一种适宜秸秆栽培的金针菇菌株筛选方法 |
Screening Methods for Flammulina Mushroom Cultivation Using Straw |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 金针菇 菌株筛选 秸秆 |
英文关键词:Flammulina mushroom Strain screening Straw |
基金项目:黑龙江省省属高校基本科研业务费项目(YWK10236200202);绥化学院生物资源高值转化与综合利用创新团队项目(SIT05005)。 |
摘要点击次数: 188 |
全文下载次数: 132 |
中文摘要: |
以一株野生黄金针菇菌株为试验材料,研究了在试管内进行适宜秸秆栽培的金针菇菌株的筛选方法,对栽培的黄金针菇进行组织分离和孢子分离,并对分离后的菌株进行了栽培试验。结果表明:在密闭试管内以秸秆为栽培基质栽培黄金针菇可以顺利出菇,继而进行的组织分离与孢子分离,操作方便,成功率高,可用于适宜秸秆栽培的菌株初步筛选。 |
英文摘要: |
A wild Flammulina velutipe strain was used as test material to investigate screening methods for Flammulina velutifolia strains suitable for cultivation with straw substrate in test tubes. Tissue and spore isolation techniques were used on Flammulina velutipes strains.The results showed that Flammulina velutifolia could grow successfully on straw as the cultivation medium in closed test tubes. The subsequent tissue and spore isolation are effective and convenient,which can be used for preliminary screening of strains suitable for straw cultivation. |
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