勉县玉米-大豆带状复合种植玉米品种筛选试验 |
Experiment for Screening Maize Varieties under Belt Compound Planting of Maize-Soybean in Mianxian |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 玉米 大豆 复合种植 品种筛选 试验 |
英文关键词:Corn Soybean Compound planting Variety screening Experiment |
基金项目:2022年陕西省农业农村厅农业专项资金项目资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 198 |
全文下载次数: 121 |
中文摘要: |
玉米-大豆带状复合种植技术目标是保证带状复合种植条件下玉米与单作相比不减产,增收一季豆。与玉米常规种植相比,种植的株行距变化较大,密度增加,玉米品种的株型、耐密性、抗逆性、丰产性等指标成为此项技术应用成功的前提。通过试验,“1.8m带型2+2模式”玉米-大豆带状复合种植玉米品种主推登海605、农科大8号和延科288,搭配种植五单2号、中金368。 |
英文摘要: |
Compared with monoculture, the objective of maize-soybean belt compound planting technology is to maintain maize yield while increasing the yield of soybeans under belt compounding planting conditions..Spacing of plant row changes significanly compared with conventional maize planting.Factors such as increase of planting density,plant type. density tolerance,stress resistance, and yield of maize varieties are important indicators for successful application of this technology. The experiment results showed that ‘Denghai 605’, ‘Nongkeda No.8’ and ‘Yanke 288’ are the major maize varieties suitable for maize-soybean belt compound planting using "1.8m belt type 2+2 patterns" ,while ‘Wudan No. 2 ’and ‘Zhongjin 368’ are maize varieties intended to be planted together in combination. |
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