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Analysis of Nutritional Quality and Utilization Value of Different Potato Varieties
中文关键词:  马铃薯  品种  营养品质  利用价值
英文关键词:Potato  Variety  Nutritional quality  Utilization value
岳新丽,湛润生,弓 越,戴伟志,陈 云,白小东,范向斌 (1.山西农业大学 高寒区作物研究所山西 大同 0370082.山西大同大学 生命科学学院山西 大同 037009) 
摘要点击次数: 1064
全文下载次数: 5226
      为比较不同品种马铃薯品质及利用价值,试验分别测定了14个品种马铃薯块茎干物质、淀粉、蛋白质、维生素C和还原糖含量,并将干物质、淀粉、蛋白质、维生素C含量值高和还原糖含量值低的马铃薯品种确定为高品质马铃薯,试验最后结合模糊数学中的隶属函数来综合评价马铃薯块茎营养品质。结果表明,“青薯9号”、“大同里外黄”干物质含量分别为25.70%、25.67%,“青薯9号”、“大同里外黄”淀粉含量分别为19.57%、18.37%,“冀张薯12号”蛋白质含量为3.25%,“兴佳2号”、“青薯9号”Vc含量分别为25.73 mg·100 g-1、23.07 mg·100 g-1,“晋薯21号”、“同薯23号”还原糖含量分别为0.16%、0.18%,而“大同里外黄”、“兴佳2号”还原糖含量分别为0.54%、0.57%,含量值最高。营养品质综合评价结果表明,“青薯9号”、“大同里外黄”营养品质好,“兴佳2号”、“冀张薯8号”营养品质较好,其余品种营养品质一般。
      To compare the quality and utilization value of different potato varieties,dry matter, starch, protein, vitamin C and reducing sugar content of 14 potato varieties were determined. The potato varieties with high dry matter, starch, protein, vitamin C content and low reducing sugar content were identified as high-quality potato.The fuzzy mathematics membership function was used to comprehensively evaluate the nutritional quality of potato tubers. The results showed that dry matter content in‘Qingshu 9’ and ‘Datong Liwaihuang’ was 25.70% and 25.67%,respectively, and the starch content in‘Qingshu 9’ and ‘Datong Liwaihuang’ was 19.57% and 18.37%,respectively.The protein content of ‘Jizhangshu12’was 3.25%, the Vc content in ‘Xingjia 2’ and ‘Qingshu 9’were 25.73 mg·100 g-1, 23.07 mg·100 g-1,respectively, and the reducing sugar content in ‘Jinshu 21’and ‘Tongshu 23’ were 0.16%, 0.18%,respectively, while‘Datong Liwaihuang’ and‘Xingjia 2’were 0.54% and 0.57%,respectively. The comprehensive evaluation results of nutritional quality showed that ‘Qingshu 9’ and ‘Datong Liwaihuang’ had excellent nutritional quality, ‘Xingjia 2’and ‘Jizhangshu 8’ had good nutritional quality, and the other varieties had average nutritional quality.
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